Simplify your life and enjoy life’s simple pleasures

When was the last time you squealed with joy? I spent some time watching this child at the beach last weekend and oh! to see the joy and fun he was having! There were no limits to his adventure, no hesitation to diving in or expressing that joy. He was loving every moment of it – his every move … [Read more...]

It’s about time – and managing the downtime

The Easter break has been an opportunity to enjoy a four day weekend. Even without going away the glorious weather over this period made relaxing an obvious choice. Two days in and there were still two days to go and as someone who always feels that I should be doing something I had to remind … [Read more...]

Health and happiness at any age

This week marks the 10th anniversary of having reached my Weight Watchers goal.   Since then my life has changed a number of times. Each stage is another opportunity for creative food ideas and other forms of exercise to enjoy. Here are some of the changes and what worked for me. Single - Even … [Read more...]