Do you know what’s really important to you?

Living life as a house sitter has been a great way to simplify my own life. I was done with working hard, getting nowhere with not much to show for it and feeling stuck. I knew that if I was to grow and experience more of the world it could not be from that space. Something needed to shift.

Life has to be simpler when everything has to fit in your car! I have what I need and I’m creative with what I’ve got. I’ve taken on board the idea anything I really need I can find within 20 minutes for less than $20 – that’s a very different way of thinking than having to have everything I’d ever need, (and multiples of) “just in case”!


I’m learning what’s really important to me and what’s not negotiable. With renewed clarity, my decisions, actions and communications are more direct. The small details I once prided myself on are not providing the big outcomes I’m after. Time is much higher on my values list now. I don’t want to waste it, there’s too much I want to do!

Even though I thought I always was, I’m now more organised and efficient. My routines are simpler and I have no need for the old excuses anymore; you know the ones, the housework has to be done and the house has to be perfect before I can get on with the day. Housework is one of those small details (and was often a great stalling tactic that I was the only one who could do it). Now it’s just get it done (yes, living in a clean space is a high value for me) and get on with the important stuff.

I’m not suggesting that everyone should take up house sitting! What I am suggesting is that life can be lived much more simply than one might at first think! Having looked at and taken away what I believed were “the must haves” I’ve started to understand what’s really important to me. I’m seeing my own personal growth and I’m starting to enjoy more of those things I’ve been working so hard for.


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