Wasted Time

Friday already! My thoughts this morning were around what I didn’t get done this week, and the mind chatter was unhelpfully telling me I wasted time and what I could’ve/should’ve/would’ve done.

An expression that comes to mind is what was called “The Dozen Egg Syndrome.” It goes something like “Oops, I dropped one egg. I may as well tip up the carton and break them all now.” When all is not perfect it’s such a temptation to give in to and to give up!

So has my week really been wasted? It’s been a busy week filled with the usual and more. I’ve been challenged with my walks and as a result, have done more. A conversation with a different walking partner helped me to step up, go further, for longer and at a faster pace than I’d been going. I shared my success and saw this have a flow on effect – to me, to her and to my usual walking partner. I’m excited by the chance to do other walks for the exercise challenge and for the different scenery to enjoy.

Food-wise, the cakes at work and the emotional eating I did when I was tired didn’t thrill me. However, I continue to eat 15 different plant foods each day and I’m enjoying that fun way of eating variety. There’ve been new salads to enjoy and fun company to enjoy them with. I’m looking at portion sizes. How easily I increase the portion sizes for different company. A request for smaller servings can only be a good thing.

This week I’ve been making some changes to my website. I’ve coached several clients, and several others that are not clients.  The momentum is encouraging. I’ve been reminded that I have my own unique way of doing things. I enjoyed my Toastmasters meeting adding my own unique flavour to the meeting. It seems my understanding of the theme of “Shipping” was very different to everyone else’s. My accounting background took it away from the nautical and the urban dictionary gave it other perspectives that provided interesting discussion.

It’s easy to listen to the negative words that seem to come from everywhere. Sometimes it takes an effort of will to remember the successes and the positives along the way. One broken egg doesn’t mean that you can’t still make a lot of yummy things with the other eleven! It really only needs for the mess to be cleaned up and to focus on what is there, rather than what’s not!


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