What Do I Need to Do Now?

With spare time on your hands do you find yourself asking “What do I need to do now?”  Freed of responsibility it’s sometimes hard to be okay with doing nothing and even harder to be okay with doing something nice for you.

I often see clients who get straight back into working and “doing” (generally for others) when they could be treating themselves to some time out. Time out, no matter how small an amount of time, comes with an immense sense of guilt.


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Next time you’re asking “what do I need to do now?” consider :

  • How long has it been since you had a break? Or talked with someone? Or even moved?
  • There is only so much sorting, checking, tidying and ticking off boxes one can do!
  • There is a point when the job is done and it’s okay to say “it is complete.”
  • Yes, you have done enough.
  • Is the next thing just “busy” work? (And if so, why does it need to be done now/by you/at all?)
  • No matter who you are working for you are the boss of you, a grown adult who knows what needs to be done and how to get it done.

And finally, consider that nothing needs to be done and you don’t need to do anything.

Radical, I know.

After a lifetime of always having to do something and always being productive, it can feel uncomfortable to stop. Give yourself permission to stop, without guilt, for that much-needed break or celebration of that success. Give yourself permission to do something you want to do, not something you need to do.

There’s always someone who will tell you what you need to do. Contact me to see how partnering with a life coach can help you do more of what you want to do.