When life is happening to you

mauro-mora-85112-unsplashPhoto by mauro mora on Unsplash

This week a client said to me “It’s like I’ve willingly signed up to join the army and now it feels like the army “is happening to me”.”

Life’s a bit like that. How often have you decided something only to find it’s harder than you thought? It becomes a chore and you seem to have no choice. Someone is making you do something you don’t want to do. Kicking and screaming you drag yourself along, the resistance is strong. You know it’s good for you but you don’t want to do the work and before you know it you’ve stopped. “How did that happen?” you wonder. Rather than wish it was something else this is your opportunity to take charge and start with what is.

When you make a choice for a different outcome you will have to do things differently – no matter what shows up. eg

  • When you want to lose weight you can be sure you’ll suddenly get invitations to parties, dinners, events that centre on food.
  • Decide to get up early for a new morning routine and there’s unseasonable rain for days on end.
  • Want to begin to take control of your money? Expect the unexpected bills to turn up.
  • Watch how many little things appear to test your resolve when you decide you’re not going to get upset about the little things anymore.
  • You decide you’re going to be on time from now on and, guess what? No surprises, there are traffic dramas and you’re later than you’ve ever been before!

This is not life happening to you – this is life happening.

Sometimes you just have to get started, no matter what. Grumble AND get on with it. It will become a habit and you’ll get on with it with less grumbling. The routine will settle in and you may even be surprised to find you actually look forward to it.

When you think life is happening to you, try turning the thought around. Life is happening. No matter what, you have a choice. Choose to be a victim (life is happening to me) or choose to take charge and you will find a way to thrive (life is happening). When you sign up for something you will be tested and you will be challenged. Being uncomfortable is part of the change. Expect it, love it and grow with it!

Tired of life happening to you? Contact me to find out how partnering with a life coach can help you take charge of your life and thrive no matter what life throws at you.