Where Is Your Time Being Spent?

Have you done an audit of your time recently? This week I’ve taken a look back at my calendar to see what I’ve done with my time and by that I mean actually really done, a reality check from which I can make changes to living life as I want to live it.

I’ve spent time with clients working with them to provide peace of mind and simple structures that work.

This week has been busier than some and I can see time efficiencies I can put into place both for their benefit and mine.

time-auditsI’ve spent time networking and as a business owner, I network for both business and social connections. This week has been quieter than some for formal networking and I can see calls I can make to arrange some informal meetings.

I’ve spent time on those repetitive tasks that are necessary foundations for life and business.  I now work with others and delegate those tasks I either don’t enjoy or don’t have the skills (or interest) to do. This has freed up my time (and energy) to focus on developing my strengths.

I’ve spent time balancing work with play and I’ve spent time way too much time on things I tell myself are either down time or learning time. The best thing I can with this time is to limit the procrastination time and to let go of the guilt that comes up when I take time out to nurture my body and soul in ways other than work and being responsible.

With my time audit of last week, I’ve challenged the thinking that I haven’t done much at all and I’ve had to accept that there are times when I really haven’t done much at all. I’ve opted not to spend time on the detail of how I spend my time and instead have a big picture view. From this view I see my current starting point, I see my end result of creating life as I want to live it and I see actions I need to take to make my time audit mean something other than just an interesting observation.

Want to know more about how you’re spending your time and life’s Endless Opportunities? Click here for your free monthly checklist.