Nature Abhors a Vacuum – what to do when it’s all sorted!

Today I was asked “Now that I’ve got things sorted what do I do with the extra time I’ve got?” His answer was to do more, I suggested just “being” and enjoying the breathing space, being grateful for all that life offers. The answer may be somewhere in between, unique to each of us and where it fits in the scheme of things.

There are times when doing more is perfect; especially if the momentum is there and you’re on a roll you’ll want to keep doing. That feeling of satisfaction from a job well done, or from something amazing you’ve created is perfect inspiration and motivation for the next step or the next task or the next project.

There are also times when it is time to stop, appreciate, regroup, recharge or just do nothing – just be. These are the times to re-connect with yourself or with your world – see that movie everyone’s been talking about, hang out with family or friends for a while or just go for a walk for no other reason than to enjoy it.

Sometimes it is our nature that abhors the vacuum and we fill it to stay busy, or we allow it to be filled for us. If you’re “doing” from that space, you’ll likely not get out of it what you thought. Likewise, if you’re “being” from that space you’ll be edgy and fidgety and likely short-tempered.

Getting the balance right for you is something only you can decide. There are times for “doing” and times for “being”. The trick is to know when each is right for you. Now that things are sorted what are you going to do with the extra time you’ve got?


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