Monday Morning Re-focus


The 6.15am alarm this morning was too early! But it’s Monday morning and another week begins.

With that, I have another opportunity to re-focus on what I’m doing and why. The excuses are easy – (I had a late night, I can do it later, it won’t matter if I don’t do it just this once) and I remind myself that it’s more than that. I remind myself that this time it’s about being in life, with energy and with gusto.

At one point it was about losing weight, getting to a goal weight. That time it started with pride. At that time the reflection in the shop window showed me a woman who seemed to have no pride in herself, who didn’t seem to care what she looked like. I felt sad for her until I realized it was me. Then I got angry that I’d let things get to that and my first ever weight loss journey began.

Another time it was during a period of depression, something I suffered a lot with in those days, another lifetime ago. My doctor prescribed exercise, a natural way to get the endorphin lift that can help depression, relieve stress and help with that “feel good” feeling. I don’t know the scientific details other than that and that’s all that I need to know. At that time I picked up a squash racket and at the time of stopping I’d been training twice a week and was playing in 3 different competitions, including a mixed, a ladies and a doubles competition (now there’s a fun game!). Along the way I got fit (and became a pretty good squash player!), I made friends, my social life grew and I learned a lot about me along the way. No surprises that my depression lifted.

This time it’s about being in life. A late night and having no energy is not an excuse. I’ve learned from past experience that it’s probably the best thing I can give myself  so I have the energy I need for a great day, to lift my mood, to process whatever’s going on in my head, to enjoy the freshness and beauty of the morning. Losing weight, toning up and looking great are extras. And I won’t complain about those either!


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